At Staincliffe CE Junior school we believe that a quality English curriculum is at the heart of everything we do. As not only is it taught in a daily discrete lesson but it is the cornerstone of the entire curriculum. Our main aim is to ensure that every child becomes primary literate and makes good progress from their starting points in reading, writing and speaking and listening.
We aim to inspire an appreciation of our rich and varied literary heritage and a joy of reading widely. We use a range of high quality texts where children are immersed in rich vocabulary. Through reading in particular, pupils have a chance to develop culturally, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually.
To ensure high standards, reading skills are taught. We implement a curriculum that is progressive and inclusive throughout school in order to build children’s confidence and love of reading.
Our Reading curriculum is delivered though:
- A wide variety of engaging texts which promote a better understanding and respect for the world in which we live and others’ opinions
- Building on previous learning to ensure good progress from every child’s starting point
- Modelling good reading skills
- Whole class reading
- Class based discussions on texts
- Breaking down and teaching discrete reading skills for comprehension via VIPERS
- Encouraging, sharing and promoting the use of ambitious vocabulary
- Frequently listening to children read
- Reading aloud and performing
To track the progress of our readers
- The contributions they make to in-class discussions
- Questions for children to apply learning and to demonstrate depths of understanding
- Capture pupil voice at regular intervals
- Their confidence and fluency when reading aloud
- Formal, termly Reading tests
- Teachers assess children in lessons as well as pupils self assessing.
By the time they leave us, as readers, our children will:
- Read fluently and with good understanding
- Develop the habit of reading widely and often for both pleasure and information
- Appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage
- Acquire a wide vocabulary and develop the ability to work out unknown words by using taught reading and grammar skills
- Been introduced to a wide variety of texts
- A joy for reading
- An increased confidence in reading aloud and performing
- Be able to have the skills to break down unfamiliar words
- They can compare and contrast texts and have a good knowledge of authors
- They will have developed increased inference and decoding skills
- They will be able to justify their views and give reasons for them using the text as evidence
Our reading curriculum is high quality, well-thought out and planned to demonstrate progression. If children are keeping up with our curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress and support is put in place for those still working towards the year group objectives.
Please click on the different links below to see, in detail, how children at Staincliffe are taught reading skills throughout Years 3-6. There are also documents/activities to support your child/children at home with their reading skills and knowledge.
Please click here for VIPERS - whole class Guided Reading information.
Click on the links below to read the progression of skills for our reading VIPERS. Each year group has their own set of skills.
We encourage our families to read regularly with their child at home and sign their reading record.
Below is a link to question stems that will help when answering questions.
Please click below for some example VIPERS texts and questions to use for home learning Years 3-6.
Recommended Readers - please click below for a suggested reading list for children Years 3-6.